Since July 2007, Garden City Sanitation has been providing garbage collection services to residents of single-family homes in Districts A & C of San José. Mixed recycling and yard waste collection are provided in these districts by two other hauling companies (California Waste Solutions and GreenWaste Recovery, respectively). An additional hauling company (Green Team of San José) serves residents in District B. Garden City Sanitation does not collect recycling or yard waste and does not serve businesses and multi-family residential complexes.
Visit sanjoseca.gov/311 or call 311 to start new service, report a missed collection, change your service level, report a damaged cart and more. Residents can contact Garden City Sanitation or call (408) 955-4500 to report property damage, unsafe drivers, oil leaks and more.
The diesel engines in our existing truck fleet have been replaced with CNG powered engines!
Garden City Sanitation was the first City-contracted hauler to commit to having an entire fleet of CNG vehicles.
We are dedicated to helping the City of San José with their efforts to reduce carbon emissions.
The benefits of using CNG rather than diesel:
The benefits of conversion rather than buying new (see conversion process):
The correct placement of your trash can will ensure the collection of your garbage, recyclables or yard waste.
Most collection trucks are armed with an automated electronic arm that grabs and empties the bin. This efficient process streamlines collection and prevents potential injuries.